SSC Constable Job Profile, Salary and Career Prospects


SSC Constable Job Profile, Salary and Career Prospects

SSC GD Constable vs SSC CHSL:

Consistently, the Staff Selection Commission leads the GD Constable exam to enlist the (General Duty) Constables in CRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP, SSB, NIA, SSF and Rifleman in Assam Rifles.

Also, the commission assumes liability of holding SSC CHSL enrollment exams for different posts like LDC, DEO, Assistant and Court Clerks. To get chose for different posts, hopefuls need to experience a determination procedure which fluctuates from post to post.

In this article, we will toss light on the contrast between SSC GD Constable and SSC CHSL as far as occupation profile, Salary and Career prospects.

Employment Profile Comparison

Once the applicants qualify the composed examination, he/she should seem additionally stages. On the off chance that they get chose in the further adjusts, at that point they are allotted their picked field of intrigue.

Presently, let us endeavor to get an understanding into the obligations of a SSC GD Constable and recognize what he/she should do.

SSC GD Constable Job Profile

The parts and duties apportioned to SSC GD Constable are as per the following:

SSC GD Constable goes about as SHO without Sub-Inspector and Asst. Sub-Inspector.

He/She is approved to hold examinations and make examination when asked by the Sub Inspector to do as such.

SSC GD Constable is selected to perform official obligations assigned by SHO.

He/she will be accountable for monitor or escort when deputed.

Head Constables are for the most part utilized to be accountable for general obligation in police headquarters, as station author, as officer responsible for out post and watches, furnished stores, accountable for beat zones in country and town police headquarters.

SSC CHSL Job Profile:

Staff Selection Commission holds Combined Higher Secondary Level enrollment examination to enlist contender for different posts like DEO, LDC, Assistant and Court Clerks. We will be examining the work and obligations of SSC CHSL profile in the pointers given underneath:

SSC CHSL Lower Division Clerk:

SSC CHSL LDC is a passage level post. SSC CHSL LDC is relied upon to deal with fundamental and day by day office work in order to keep up the stream of work in the workplace.

SSC CHSL LDC is procured to look after information, office records, archives and so forth with the most elevated productivity.

LDC's should get imperative records and reports for their seniors and recover every one of the archives to the senior on time.

SSC CHSL LDC needs to make pay slips of the staff and seniors working in different offices.

SSC CHSL Data Entry Operator

SSC CHSL DEO may compose letters and do business related to SSC CHSL LDC in their nonappearance at the office.The work of LDC is to bring information from the library of data and serve them to the officer on time.

SSC CHSL DEO look over all the vital data, tables and the structure of the organization and combine them to set up an appropriate database for the organization detailedly.

From the points of interest of the organization to its items, customers and deals reports, SSC CHSL DEO keeps up all the vital records.

SSC CHSL DEO is in charge of writing immensely essential information through the PC and sustain it into the organization's database.

SSC CHSL (10+2) Assistant

For the post of SSC CHSL Postal Assistants in post workplaces, one needs to sit in the counter and help individuals in either speed post or other related works. Essentially Portal Assistant employment incorporates coordinate association and managing general society.

If an applicant is shortlisted as Postal Assistant in circle/local workplaces, he/she needs to manage the document work. Postal Assistant in Circle/Regional Offices (PACO/RO) won't be managing specifically with the clients.

If an applicant is shortlisted as Postal Assistant in returned letter workplaces, he/she needs to manage the sends which are left undelivered. PARLO (Postal Assistant in Returned Letter workplaces) needs to try endeavors to find the address or send it back ton the sender.

If a hopeful is shortlisted as PAFPO (Postal Assistant in Foreign Post Organization), he/she needs to manage the outside articles transmission.

In the wake of knowing nitty gritty work structure, parts and duties, its opportunity to push forward to the cycle 2 i.e Salary Comparison.

Compensation Comparison:

The fundamental pay scale for any SSC CHSL post lies in the range Rs. 5,200Rs. 20,200 alongside the underlying evaluation pay in the scope of Rs 1,900Rs. 2,400. The pay SSC CHSL post in a metro city will associate with Rs 22,000-24,000 close by relying on different components.

Coming to SSC GD Constable, the fundamental pay scale for this post is same as of SSC CHSL, i.e in the middle of Rs. 5,200Rs. 20,200 territory alongside the distinctive starting evaluation pay of Rs. 2,000.

Profession Prospects:

On the off chance that one buckles down with full devotion and responsibility in this employment, there are sufficient open doors and prospects that are holding up to enable you to develop and advance and in the long run have a brilliant future.

For hopefuls' simplicity, we will initially partition SSC CHSL posts into sub classes and after that expand the vocation prospects of each. Give us a chance to begin with SSC CHSL Lower Division Clerk.


SSC CHSL LDC Job profile is the beginning level administrative position in Central Government Ministries and Departments. The following level of positions accessible amid the profession are:

  1. Assistant/Upper Divisional Clerk
  2. Division Clerk
  3. Section Officer

The advancements chances for SSC CHSL LDC work profile relies on different elements like departmental advancements, encounter, class and so forth.

SSC CHSL DEO: SSC CHSL DEO, after advancement may have opportunity to turn into-

  1. Console Operator
  2. Senior Console Operator
  3. Data Processor
  4. Senior Data Processor
  5. Data Managers

The advancements chances for SSC CHSL DEO work profile relies on different components like departmental advancements, encounter, classification and so on.

SSC CHSL Assistant:

SSC CHSL Assistant will wind up plainly qualified to show up in Postmaster Grade I examination after culmination of 5 years of administrations. Essentially after consummation of 5 more years of administrations, one can apply for Grade II and Grade III posts examination. With time and effective advancements, SSC CHSL Assistant may wind up plainly Chief Postmaster (Grade A).

On the off chance that SSC CHSL Assistant is not going to show up in any of the departmental special examinations, he/she will be consequently elevated to MACP I, II and III inside 10, 20 and 30 years of administrations separately.

Career Prospects:The following level of positions accessible amid SSC GD Constable's vocation are:

  1. Senior Police Constable
  2. Head Police Constable
  3. Assistant Sub Inspector
  4. Sub Inspector
  5. Inspector